The problem is I want too many things, some of which might be mutually exclusive:
- A job - The type of job I want seems to vary from month to month. At the moment I think doing contracting might be the best option but I'm paranoid about the personality questions in the inevitable application questionnaire. They seem to want you to have leadership experience, and I struggle to come up with relevant examples.
- To have hobbies - There are loads of things I'd like to be able to do. Dancing, knitting, yoga, archery, gardening, DIY, sewing, Bell ringing (?), walking, horse-riding (?), climbing, hang gliding and many more I cant think of at the moment. The problem is there simply wont be time for all that if I have a job.
- To have a family (eventually) - I want children, but there are so many issues. I would love to be able to be a proper mother to these hypothetical children, and be a stay-at-home mum, but I'm also worried that if I do that several things might happen: I might be driven insane by the mundanity (is this a word?), I might not be a good mother, I might struggle to get a job in my field once they're big enough for me to work again, I think I'd have difficulty with the idea of relying on my hypothetical husband for money (not to mention the fact that if I weren't working there'd be less money in general) the idea of spending someone elses hard earned money doesn't sit well. I'd like to be able to have my own disposable income to spend on whatever I'd like... to treat myself occasionally. The other thing in the back of my mind is whether its responsible to have children... what with world population growth, global warming and the general mess that this world is getting itself into (melodramatic I know).
- To have a nice home - I know its shamelessly materialistic, but I do. I want a period house, that I can decorate how I like, that I can keep relatively tidy and uncluttered (mess drives me potty), that I can be proud to have dinner parties in. I want a place that I can unwind in and feel safe. Further to this I want to be able to make this house as eco-friendly as possible. I want solar panels if they'll work, ground source heat pump, greywater recycling and double glazing plus other things I havent thought of yet. I want a big garden so I can grow my own vegetables and have an orchard. I want to do it and stay in-keeping with the period of the place. I want to prove that it can be done without spoiling a place.
- To be involved in good causes - I want to feel like I've done something useful in my life. I used to think I could do that with my job, but thats seeming increasingly unlikely, so instead I want to volunteer for stuff. I've been using the excuse of being a poor student to get out of giving to many charities, but I dont want to keep doing this. I dont want to have the poverty complex that my parents have.
It should be noted that none of this is intended to be a hint to my boyfriend, or to scare him, its just a sample of what goes through my head.
Yes, I will try and stop worrying, however inevitable it may be.